I’m distressed to hear of Matthew’s situation. Here in New Zealand our public health system may be creaking a bit but it’s still there for the seriously ill. The idea that your life hangs by a thread dangled by an insurance company is horrifying.

Thinking of him reminds me of this great (approving) Christgau description in his review of 100% Fun :

“Not a new idea--what a difference a band makes is old theory by now. Just an experience--this particular band at the moment of this recording, two or three or four guitars layered into densely striated sludge with shiny ribbons of metal sticking out”

Ain’t that so.

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James, I'm sure I'm the 99th person to suggest this, but this kind of thing is exactly what https://musicares.org/ is designed to help with. That said, nice job telling more people about Matthew's condition. I've shared the GFM link on my personal and professional social media pages. I'm hoping that can help get to that 750. Goodspeed.

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I've lived in LA since '86 and was familiar with the Hollywood scene. To my ears, the Nymphs' sound was sludgy enough to fit right in with the then-new "grunge" thing. But, yeah, I guess their aesthetic was more Hollywood than Seattle. I never once thought of them as Hair Metal, though. Inger Lorre's solo record, Transcendental Medication was just as good as the Nymphs' record. Another band that DGC dropped the ball on and had a release in '91 was I Love You. They sounded like a modern take on Cream, much like early Soundgarden sounded like Zeppelin. Both bands deserved better treatment.

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